
A investigação do TERRITUR está publicada na forma de livros, capítulos de livros e artigos em revistas científicas, incluindo revistas indexadas de nível mundial nas áreas da Geografia e do Turismo e Hospitalidade. Adicionalmente, outras formas de comunicação mais direta e acessível, como a organização de conferências e debates e a participação na comunicação social e nas redes sociais, são usadas para estabelecer diálogo com a sociedade.

Artigos recentes

Bei, G., & Celata, F. (2023). Challenges and effects of short-term rentals regulation: A counterfactual assessment of European cities. Annals of Tourism Research, 101, article 103605.

Casal-Ribeiro, M., Boavida-Portugal, I., Peres, R., & Seabra, C. (2023). Review of crisis management frameworks in tourism and hospitality: a meta-analysis approach, Sustainability, 15(15), article 12047.

Cocola-Gant, A. (2023). Place-based displacement: touristification and neighborhood change. Geoforum, 138, article 103665.

Cocola-Gant, A., & Malet Calvo, D. (2023). The platformization of student housing and the rise of mid-term rentals. The case of Uniplaces in Lisbon. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie.

Estevens, A., Cocola-Gant, A., Lopez-Gay, A., & Pavel, F. (2023). The role of the state in the touristification of Lisbon. Cities, 137, article 104275.

Guimarães, P. (2023). Reabilitação ou gentrificação comercial? Discurso e práticas associadas à transformação dos mercados municipais de comércio em Portugal. Revista de Urbanismo, 48, 135–155.

Jover, J., & Cocola‐Gant, A. (2023). The political economy of housing investment in the short‐term rental market: insights from urban Portugal. Antipode, 55(1), 134-155.

Paiva, D. (2023). The paradox of atmosphere: Tourism, heritage, and urban liveability. Annals of Tourism Research, 101, Article 103600.

Paiva, D., Carvalho, L., Brito-Henriques, E., Sousa, A. M., Soares, A. L., & Azambuja, S. T. (2023). Digital storytelling and hopeful last chance tourism experiences, Tourism Geographies, 25(5), 1428-1444.

Paiva, D., Gonçalves, A., Ferreira, D., Pedro, T., & Portugal, I. B. (2023). Communicating the Urban Experience through Biosensing: A Participatory Approach. The Professional Geographer.

Severino, F. S., & Silva, F. (2023). The trend of Japanese pop culture and its differentiating approach through event tourism. International Journal of Event and Festival Management.

Almeida, S., Costa, C. & Simões, J. (2022). Types of affiliation in the hotel sector: an insight into the Portuguese experience. European Journal of Tourism Research, 32, article 3206.

Almeida, S., Mesquita, S., & Carvalho, I. (2022). The Covid-19 impacts on the hospitality? Highlights from the industry experts. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 28(1), 61-81.

Almeida, S, Ramires, A. & Marinho, J. (2022). Hashtags: a keystone of Instagram in the hotel digital strategy.  An Iberian case-study. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism.

Cruz, R. C. A., Brito-Henriques, E., Larrabure, S., & Poster, D. I. (2022). Impactos da pandemia de COVID-19 no setor hoteleiro: os casos de Lisboa, Maputo e São Paulo. Confins. Révue Franco-Brésilienne de Géographie, 56, article 47903.

Lopes, T. & Silva, F. (2022). Conceptual model for the management of peri-urban natural areas: Sintra-Cascais Natural Park, Portugal, Journal of Ecotourism.

Lopes, T., Silva, F. & Simas, H. (2022). Experiências turísticas criativas em áreas naturais periurbanas: o caso do Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 39, 115-127.

Artigos recentes

Rodrigues, L., Silva, F., & Lopes, T. (2022). Alojamento local no centro histórico da cidade de Lisboa: propostas sustentáveis para a atividade turística na freguesia de Santa Maria Maior. Finisterra–Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 57(119), 65–86.

Seabra, C., Almeida, S. & Reis, M. (2022). Quality-of-Life Perception among Young Residents and Visitors: The Impact of COVID-19. Sustainability, 14(23), article 16177.

Silva, F., Lopes, T., & Silva, M. (2022). The resilience of tourism recreation companies in a pandemic context: The case of canyoning in the Azores. Social Sciences, 11, article 558.

Almeida, S., & Campos, A. C. (2021) New avenues for business competitiveness: the case of a community of practice in the hotel sector. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 16(1), 20-34.

Almeida, S., Campos, A. C., Costa, C., & Simões, J. M. (2021). Competing through coopetition: A strategy for success in hotel marketing consortia. Journal of Mediterranean Tourism Research, 1(1), 39-52.

Calisto, M. L., Umbelino, J., Gonçalves, A., & Viegas, C. (2021). Environmental sustainability strategies for smaller companies in the hotel industry: doing the right thing or doing things right? Sustainability, 13(18), article 10380.

Cocola-Gant, A., Jover, J., Carvalho, L., & Chamusca, P. (2021). Corporate hosts: the rise of professional management in the Corporate hosts: the rise of professional management in the short-term rental industry. Tourism Management Perspectives, 40(4), article 100879.

Cocola-Gant, A., Hof, A., Smigiel, C., & Yrigoy, I. (2021). Short- term rentals as a new urban frontier – evidence from European cities. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(7), 1601–1608.

Costa, P., Brito-Henriques, E., & Cavaco, C. (2021). Interim reuse in urban derelicts: Uncovering the community's attitudes and preferences through scenario-elicitation. Cities, 111, article 103103.

López‐Gay, A, Cocola‐Gant, A, Russo, A. P. (2021). Urban tourism and population change: Gentrification in the age of mobilities. Population, Space and Place: vol. 27(1), article e2380.

Almeida, S., Sheppard, V., Costa, C., Simões, J. M., & Costa, R. (2020). Choosing independence or affiliation: the case of Portuguese four- and five-star hotels. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(4), 450–465.

Arrobas, F., Ferreira, J., Brito-Henriques, E., & Fernandes, A. (2020). Measuring tourism and environmental sciences students’ attitudes towards sustainable tourism. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 27, article 100273.

Brito-Henriques, E. (2020). COVID-19, turismo e sustentabilidade: tudo está interligado. Finisterra–Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 55(115), 205-210.

Cocola-Gant, A., & Lopez-Gay, A. (2020). Transnational gentrification, tourism and the formation of ‘foreign only’ enclaves in Barcelona. Urban Studies, 57(15), 3025–3043.

López‐Gay, A., Cocola‐Gant, A., & Russo, A. P. (2020). Urban tourism and population change: Gentrification in the age of mobilities. Population, Space and Place, article e2380.

Cró, S., Martins, A. M., Simões, J. M., & Calisto, M. L. (2019). Effect of security on hostels’ price premiums: A hedonic pricing approach. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 60(2), 150-158.

Capítulos de livros recentes

Almeida, S, Mesquita, S & Pereira, C. (2022) Smart Hospitality: Goodbye Virus! In T. Guarda (Ed.), Technologies, business, innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0 (pp. 205-220). Springer.

Almeida, S., Spyriadis, T., Costa, C. & Simões, J. M., & Campos, A. C., (2022). When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Hotel Marketing Consortia as a winning strategy. In M. Sigala (Ed.), Case based research in tourism, travel, hospitality, and Events: theory and practice (pp. 319.341). Springer.

Brito-Henriques, E., & Costa, P. (2022). Restoring place attachment in a ruined post-industrial landscape: change, sense of community and aesthetics in Barreiro, Portugal. In O.-R. Ilovan, & I. Markuszewska (Eds.), Preserving and constructing place attachment in Europe (pp. 329-344). Springer.

Oliveira, A., & Silva, F. (2022). 007 Colinas, licença para gamificar a experiência turística. In J. Aliseda, R. Castanho, J. Carvalho, & A. Abreu (Eds.). Nuevas estrategias para un turismo sostenible (pp.85-96). Thomson Reuters.

Silva, F. (2022). Inland and Island Tourism, Contrasting Geographies Touching Each Other: Azores, a Peripheral Archipelago. In G. Fernandes (Ed.). Challenges and New Opportunities for Tourism in Inland Territories: Ecocultural Resources and Sustainable Initiatives (pp. 48-63). IGI Global.

Almeida, S., Ivansecu, Y., & Campos, A. C. (2021). Creating an Online Brand Identity: the case of the Hotel. In M. G. Dinis, L. Bonixe, S. Lamy & Z. Breda (Eds.). Impact of New Media in Tourism (p. 57-74). IGI Global.

Brito-Henriques, E., & Larrabure, S. (2021). Impactos da Covid- 19 no turismo em Portugal: uma avaliação rápida dos primeiros nove meses. In R. C. A. Cruz, S. A. Silva, S. P. Larrabure, C. Todesco, H. R. H. Serra & J. J. J. Guambe (Eds.). Turismo em tempos de Covid-19: ensaios sobre casos na Argentina, Brasil, Moçambique e Portugal (pp. 108- 115). FFLCH/USP.

Cocola-Gant, A., Gago, A., & Jover, J (2020). Tourism, gentrification and neighbourhood change: an analytical framework: reflections from Southern European cities. In J. Oskam (Ed.). The overtourism debate. NIMBY, nuisance, commodification (p. 121-135). Emerald.

Gonçalves, A. (2020). "Cultural languaging" in English for tourism: Integrated learning of language and intercultural skills in Tourism Education. In M. J. Ennis & G. M. Petrie (Eds.), Teaching English for tourism: Bridging research and praxis (pp. 131-148). Routledge.

Capítulos de livros recentes

Silva, F., Almeida, M. C., & Gonçalves, B. (2020). Products in maritime and costal tourism: the case of coasteering. In M. Morais de Brito, A. Dias & M. Patuleia (Eds.), Managing, marketing, and maintaining maritime and coastal tourism (pp. 187-203). IGI Global.

Silva, F., & Lopes, T. (2020). Application of smart tourism to nature-based destinations. In L. Carvalho, L. Calisto, & N. Gustavo (Eds.), Strategic business models to support demand, supply, and destination management in the tourism and hospitality industry (pp. 1-20). IGI Global.

Lopes, T., & Silva, F. (2020). Responsible nature tourism development models: the case study of whale watching in the azores. In M. M. Brito, A. Dias & M. Patuleia (Eds.), Managing, marketing, and maintaining maritime and coastal tourism (pp. 113-131). IGI Global.

Cocola-Gant, A. (2019). Tourism, simulacra and architectural reconstruction: selling an idealised past. In M. Gravari-Barbas, N. Graburn & J.-F. Staszak (Eds.), Tourism fictions, simulacra and virtualities (pp. 122-136). Routledge.

Silva, F. (2019). Turismo em Angola: desenvolvimento sustentado do Parque Nacional do Iona. In M. J. Castro (Ed.), Império e turismo. Antologia de ensaios (pp. 57-71). CHAM — Centro de Humanidades.

Boavida-Portugal, I., Rocha, J., Ferreira, C. C., & Zêzere, J. L. (2018), Agent-based Modelling of Tourists Destination Decision-Making Process. In A. C. Teodoro (Ed.), GIS – An overview of applications (Vol. 1, pp.32-66). Bentham eBooks.

Gago, A., Cocola-Gant, A., & Malet-Calvo, D. (2018). Turismo, negocio inmobiliario y movimientos de resistencia en Lisboa, Portugal. In C. Milano & J. A. Mansilla (Eds.), Ciudad de vacaciones: conflictos urbanos en espacios turísticos (p. 121-153). OACU.

Encalada, L., Ferreira, C. C., Rocha, J., & Boavida-Portugal, I. (2018). Geographical patterns in the tourist city: GIS for spatiotemporal analysis. In S. Chaudhuri & R. Nilanjan (Eds.), GIS applications in the tourism and hospitality industry (p. 76-97). IGI Global.

Policy briefs

Brito-Henriques, E., Boavida-Portugal, I., & Arrobas, F. (2020). COVID-19 e turismo: danos reputacionais e efeitos da pandemia nos planos de férias e viagens (TERRITUR Policy brief 2020). Centro de Estudos Geográficos da Universidade de Lisboa.


Policy briefs
