
TERRITUR's research is published in the form of books, book chapters and articles in scientific journals, including high-ranked journals in the areas of Geography and of Tourism and Hospitality. In addition, other more direct and accessible forms of communication, such as organizing conferences and debates and participating in the media and social networks, are used to establish dialogue with society.

Recent articles

Bei, G., & Celata, F. (2023). Challenges and effects of short-term rentals regulation: A counterfactual assessment of European cities. Annals of Tourism Research, 101, article 103605.

Casal-Ribeiro, M., Boavida-Portugal, I., Peres, R., & Seabra, C. (2023). Review of crisis management frameworks in tourism and hospitality: a meta-analysis approach, Sustainability, 15(15), article 12047.

Cocola-Gant, A. (2023). Place-based displacement: touristification and neighborhood change. Geoforum, 138, article 103665.

Cocola-Gant, A., & Malet Calvo, D. (2023). The platformization of student housing and the rise of mid-term rentals. The case of Uniplaces in Lisbon. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie.

Estevens, A., Cocola-Gant, A., Lopez-Gay, A., & Pavel, F. (2023). The role of the state in the touristification of Lisbon. Cities, 137, article 104275.

Guimarães, P. (2023). Reabilitação ou gentrificação comercial? Discurso e práticas associadas à transformação dos mercados municipais de comércio em Portugal. Revista de Urbanismo, 48, 135–155.

Jover, J., & Cocola‐Gant, A. (2023). The political economy of housing investment in the short‐term rental market: insights from urban Portugal. Antipode, 55(1), 134-155.

Paiva, D. (2023). The paradox of atmosphere: Tourism, heritage, and urban liveability. Annals of Tourism Research, 101, Article 103600.

Paiva, D., Carvalho, L., Brito-Henriques, E., Sousa, A. M., Soares, A. L., & Azambuja, S. T. (2023). Digital storytelling and hopeful last chance tourism experiences, Tourism Geographies, 25(5), 1428-1444.

Paiva, D., Gonçalves, A., Ferreira, D., Pedro, T., & Portugal, I. B. (2023). Communicating the Urban Experience through Biosensing: A Participatory Approach. The Professional Geographer.

Severino, F. S., & Silva, F. (2023). The trend of Japanese pop culture and its differentiating approach through event tourism. International Journal of Event and Festival Management.

Almeida, S., Costa, C. & Simões, J. (2022). Types of affiliation in the hotel sector: an insight into the Portuguese experience. European Journal of Tourism Research, 32, article 3206.

Almeida, S., Mesquita, S., & Carvalho, I. (2022). The Covid-19 impacts on the hospitality? Highlights from the industry experts. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 28(1), 61-81.

Almeida, S, Ramires, A. & Marinho, J. (2022). Hashtags: a keystone of Instagram in the hotel digital strategy.  An Iberian case-study. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism.

Cruz, R. C. A., Brito-Henriques, E., Larrabure, S., & Poster, D. I. (2022). Impactos da pandemia de COVID-19 no setor hoteleiro: os casos de Lisboa, Maputo e São Paulo. Confins. Révue Franco-Brésilienne de Géographie, 56, article 47903.

Lopes, T. & Silva, F. (2022). Conceptual model for the management of peri-urban natural areas: Sintra-Cascais Natural Park, Portugal, Journal of Ecotourism.

Lopes, T., Silva, F. & Simas, H. (2022). Experiências turísticas criativas em áreas naturais periurbanas: o caso do Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 39, 115-127.


Recent articles

Rodrigues, L., Silva, F., & Lopes, T. (2022). Alojamento local no centro histórico da cidade de Lisboa: propostas sustentáveis para a atividade turística na freguesia de Santa Maria Maior. Finisterra–Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 57(119), 65–86.

Seabra, C., Almeida, S. & Reis, M. (2022). Quality-of-Life Perception among Young Residents and Visitors: The Impact of COVID-19. Sustainability, 14(23), article 16177.

Silva, F., Lopes, T., & Silva, M. (2022). The resilience of tourism recreation companies in a pandemic context: The case of canyoning in the Azores. Social Sciences, 11, article 558.

Almeida, S., & Campos, A. C. (2021) New avenues for business competitiveness: the case of a community of practice in the hotel sector. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 16(1), 20-34.

Almeida, S., Campos, A. C., Costa, C., & Simões, J. M. (2021). Competing through coopetition: A strategy for success in hotel marketing consortia. Journal of Mediterranean Tourism Research, 1(1), 39-52.

Calisto, M. L., Umbelino, J., Gonçalves, A., & Viegas, C. (2021). Environmental sustainability strategies for smaller companies in the hotel industry: doing the right thing or doing things right? Sustainability, 13(18), article 10380.

Cocola-Gant, A., Jover, J., Carvalho, L., & Chamusca, P. (2021). Corporate hosts: the rise of professional management in the Corporate hosts: the rise of professional management in the short-term rental industry. Tourism Management Perspectives, 40(4), article 100879.

Cocola-Gant, A., Hof, A., Smigiel, C., & Yrigoy, I. (2021). Short- term rentals as a new urban frontier – evidence from European cities. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(7), 1601–1608.

Costa, P., Brito-Henriques, E., & Cavaco, C. (2021). Interim reuse in urban derelicts: Uncovering the community's attitudes and preferences through scenario-elicitation. Cities, 111, article 103103.

López‐Gay, A, Cocola‐Gant, A, Russo, A. P. (2021). Urban tourism and population change: Gentrification in the age of mobilities. Population, Space and Place: vol. 27(1), article e2380.

Almeida, S., Sheppard, V., Costa, C., Simões, J. M., & Costa, R. (2020). Choosing independence or affiliation: the case of Portuguese four- and five-star hotels. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(4), 450–465.

Arrobas, F., Ferreira, J., Brito-Henriques, E., & Fernandes, A. (2020). Measuring tourism and environmental sciences students’ attitudes towards sustainable tourism. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 27, article 100273.

Brito-Henriques, E. (2020). COVID-19, turismo e sustentabilidade: tudo está interligado. Finisterra–Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 55(115), 205-210.

Cocola-Gant, A., & Lopez-Gay, A. (2020). Transnational gentrification, tourism and the formation of ‘foreign only’ enclaves in Barcelona. Urban Studies, 57(15), 3025–3043.

López‐Gay, A., Cocola‐Gant, A., & Russo, A. P. (2020). Urban tourism and population change: Gentrification in the age of mobilities. Population, Space and Place, article e2380.

Cró, S., Martins, A. M., Simões, J. M., & Calisto, M. L. (2019). Effect of security on hostels’ price premiums: A hedonic pricing approach. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 60(2), 150-158.


Recent book chapters

Almeida, S, Mesquita, S & Pereira, C. (2022) Smart Hospitality: Goodbye Virus! In T. Guarda (Ed.), Technologies, business, innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0 (pp. 205-220). Springer.

Almeida, S., Spyriadis, T., Costa, C. & Simões, J. M., & Campos, A. C., (2022). When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Hotel Marketing Consortia as a winning strategy. In M. Sigala (Ed.), Case based research in tourism, travel, hospitality, and Events: theory and practice (pp. 319.341). Springer.

Brito-Henriques, E., & Costa, P. (2022). Restoring place attachment in a ruined post-industrial landscape: change, sense of community and aesthetics in Barreiro, Portugal. In O.-R. Ilovan, & I. Markuszewska (Eds.), Preserving and constructing place attachment in Europe (pp. 329-344). Springer.

Oliveira, A., & Silva, F. (2022). 007 Colinas, licença para gamificar a experiência turística. In J. Aliseda, R. Castanho, J. Carvalho, & A. Abreu (Eds.). Nuevas estrategias para un turismo sostenible (pp.85-96). Thomson Reuters.

Silva, F. (2022). Inland and Island Tourism, Contrasting Geographies Touching Each Other: Azores, a Peripheral Archipelago. In G. Fernandes (Ed.). Challenges and New Opportunities for Tourism in Inland Territories: Ecocultural Resources and Sustainable Initiatives (pp. 48-63). IGI Global.

Almeida, S., Ivansecu, Y., & Campos, A. C. (2021). Creating an Online Brand Identity: the case of the Hotel. In M. G. Dinis, L. Bonixe, S. Lamy & Z. Breda (Eds.). Impact of New Media in Tourism (p. 57-74). IGI Global.

Brito-Henriques, E., & Larrabure, S. (2021). Impactos da Covid- 19 no turismo em Portugal: uma avaliação rápida dos primeiros nove meses. In R. C. A. Cruz, S. A. Silva, S. P. Larrabure, C. Todesco, H. R. H. Serra & J. J. J. Guambe (Eds.). Turismo em tempos de Covid-19: ensaios sobre casos na Argentina, Brasil, Moçambique e Portugal (pp. 108- 115). FFLCH/USP.

Cocola-Gant, A., Gago, A., & Jover, J (2020). Tourism, gentrification and neighbourhood change: an analytical framework: reflections from Southern European cities. In J. Oskam (Ed.). The overtourism debate. NIMBY, nuisance, commodification (p. 121-135). Emerald.

Gonçalves, A. (2020). "Cultural languaging" in English for tourism: Integrated learning of language and intercultural skills in Tourism Education. In M. J. Ennis & G. M. Petrie (Eds.), Teaching English for tourism: Bridging research and praxis (pp. 131-148). Routledge.


Recent book chapters

Silva, F., Almeida, M. C., & Gonçalves, B. (2020). Products in maritime and costal tourism: the case of coasteering. In M. Morais de Brito, A. Dias & M. Patuleia (Eds.), Managing, marketing, and maintaining maritime and coastal tourism (pp. 187-203). IGI Global.

Silva, F., & Lopes, T. (2020). Application of smart tourism to nature-based destinations. In L. Carvalho, L. Calisto, & N. Gustavo (Eds.), Strategic business models to support demand, supply, and destination management in the tourism and hospitality industry (pp. 1-20). IGI Global.

Lopes, T., & Silva, F. (2020). Responsible nature tourism development models: the case study of whale watching in the azores. In M. M. Brito, A. Dias & M. Patuleia (Eds.), Managing, marketing, and maintaining maritime and coastal tourism (pp. 113-131). IGI Global.

Cocola-Gant, A. (2019). Tourism, simulacra and architectural reconstruction: selling an idealised past. In M. Gravari-Barbas, N. Graburn & J.-F. Staszak (Eds.), Tourism fictions, simulacra and virtualities (pp. 122-136). Routledge.

Silva, F. (2019). Turismo em Angola: desenvolvimento sustentado do Parque Nacional do Iona. In M. J. Castro (Ed.), Império e turismo. Antologia de ensaios (pp. 57-71). CHAM — Centro de Humanidades.

Boavida-Portugal, I., Rocha, J., Ferreira, C. C., & Zêzere, J. L. (2018), Agent-based Modelling of Tourists Destination Decision-Making Process. In A. C. Teodoro (Ed.), GIS – An overview of applications (Vol. 1, pp.32-66). Bentham eBooks.

Gago, A., Cocola-Gant, A., & Malet-Calvo, D. (2018). Turismo, negocio inmobiliario y movimientos de resistencia en Lisboa, Portugal. In C. Milano & J. A. Mansilla (Eds.), Ciudad de vacaciones: conflictos urbanos en espacios turísticos (p. 121-153). OACU.

Encalada, L., Ferreira, C. C., Rocha, J., & Boavida-Portugal, I. (2018). Geographical patterns in the tourist city: GIS for spatiotemporal analysis. In S. Chaudhuri & R. Nilanjan (Eds.), GIS applications in the tourism and hospitality industry (p. 76-97). IGI Global.

Policy briefs

Brito-Henriques, E., Boavida-Portugal, I., & Arrobas, F. (2020). COVID-19 e turismo: danos reputacionais e efeitos da pandemia nos planos de férias e viagens (TERRITUR Policy Brief 2020). Centro de Estudos Geográficos da Universidade de Lisboa.

Policy briefs
